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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : What does a project 'reset' do?

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Neil A
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Message 4373 - Posted: 15 Dec 2008 | 23:20:23 UTC

I have been reading through the forum and picked up a wealth of information. I have read several posts that have talked about performing a project reset. I would like a better understanding of what this does and what kind of situations would it be used in?

I believe this has likely been described before, but I cannot find a reference to it. :-)


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Message 4378 - Posted: 16 Dec 2008 | 1:35:14 UTC - in response to Message 4373.

I have read several posts that have talked about performing a project reset. I would like a better understanding of what this does and what kind of situations would it be used in?

A project reset shouldn't be the first thing to do if you have a problem with a particular project, but there are some instances that it does help. I won't pretend to know most of them, but it does stop work on any pending or running tasks so you would want to let them finish before doing this. Also, it downloads information regarding the project from the server similar to the initial sign-up. I'll let others with more knowledge dive into more detail.

In regards to GPUGrid, the posts you mention might have been about using project reset to get the DCF back to 1.000000. There have been some issues recently where some individuals (myself included) needed to do this to get the project running back to "normal".

In short, don't just reset for any reason. But, I believe it's similar to the initial connection to the project in terms of effects.

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Message 4381 - Posted: 16 Dec 2008 | 10:58:26 UTC - in response to Message 4373.

I have been reading through the forum and picked up a wealth of information. I have read several posts that have talked about performing a project reset. I would like a better understanding of what this does and what kind of situations would it be used in?

I believe this has likely been described before, but I cannot find a reference to it. :-)


Supposedly a Project Reset will reset your DFC Values but in reality it doesn't. I've tried it many times and the New Wu's that are downloaded will still show messed up "To Completion" times in the BOINC Manager.

The Project is slowly becoming almost un-runnable as it totally screws up your other Projects getting work, it's almost impossible to set your Connect Times to keep some sort of Cache without Manual Intervention on each individual computer.

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Message 4439 - Posted: 17 Dec 2008 | 20:17:20 UTC - in response to Message 4381.
Last modified: 17 Dec 2008 | 20:17:41 UTC

The Project is slowly becoming almost un-runnable as it totally screws up your other Projects getting work, it's almost impossible to set your Connect Times to keep some sort of Cache without Manual Intervention on each individual computer.

Stick with 6.3.21. It does not factor in the GPU time when fetching CPU-work, so that's fine. The only drawback is that I only have a maximum of 2 concurrent GPU WUs since the DCF went through the roof.

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : What does a project 'reset' do?
