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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : WU's that take a long time and your GPU

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Philip C Swift [Gridcoin]
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Message 56552 - Posted: 16 Feb 2021 | 11:13:10 UTC

Re: WU's and GPU's
Interested in OverClocking to reduce WU duration to hit target 'due date/times'?
Even if your GPU is locked down you can improve by using a curve with Frequency and Voltage of your GPU auto managed. You use MSI Afterburner and Kombuster, press one OC button and it sets you a Frequency/Voltage curve with no hard work.
Message me if you have questions or need help.

I'm crunching the new WU's with RTX2080 mobile with MSI Afterburner and MSI Kombustor (that auto overclocks the GPU with a good curve).
I am getting 2 days and 2 hours for e20s2_e11s14p0f75-ADRIA_D3RBandit_batch1-0-1-RND2090. 1.08% per hour = 92.59 hours or 3.58 days.


Profile Retvari Zoltan
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Message 56555 - Posted: 16 Feb 2021 | 13:49:10 UTC - in response to Message 56552.

Interested in OverClocking to reduce WU duration to hit target 'due date/times'?
Even if your GPU is locked down you can improve by using a curve with Frequency and Voltage of your GPU auto managed. You use MSI Afterburner and Kombuster, press one OC button and it sets you a Frequency/Voltage curve with no hard work.
Message me if you have questions or need help.

I'm crunching the new WU's with RTX2080 mobile with MSI Afterburner and MSI Kombustor (that auto overclocks the GPU with a good curve).
If your GPU is crunching a single workunit for days, it's not worth the risk of a computing error caused by overclocking.
You'll receive 0 credits for a failed workunit (after many hours, even days of crunhing it's very frustrating).
Therefore I do not recommend overclocking and especially overvolting a GPU, especially a mobile GPU.
GPUGrid workunits are very power hungry compared to games or other projects (except for FAH).
The cooling of an average GPU is made for general use, not for crunching 24/7.
Laptops with mobile GPUs can't have that big coolers as discrete GPUs have in desktop PCs.
If you have a GPU with decent cooling, then it's usually overclocked by the factory. In this case you don't have to overclock it more.

Power dissipation is a product of two key factors:
· It's in direct ratio with GPU frequency.
· It's in direct ratio with GPU voltage squared.
Say you raise the frequency and the voltage by 10% (it's a bit of an exaggeration, as you can't raise the GPU voltage by 10%).
In this case the power dissipation of your GPU is raised by 33.1% (1.1 by the frequency, and 1.1*1.1=1.21 by the voltage, 1.1*1.21=1.331).
Luckily you can't raise your GPU's power consumption above it's limits set by the factory.
You can check these limits from an administrative command prompt by
nvidia-smi -q -d power
Raising the GPU's power dissipation raises its temperature, as its cooling stays the same, while it should be better to achieve the same temperatures (and life expentancy). Usually you improve the cooling of your GPU only by raising the RPM of it's fans, which could be very annoying (especially if it's a laptop), it also reduces the lifespan of the fans.

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : WU's that take a long time and your GPU
