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Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3539 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | 20:18:21 UTC

6.3.21 for Windows x86 seems OK x 2 installs.

First start had correct max 2 cpus + 1 CUDA/CPU<1

I ran several quick tests suspending a CPU task, another always started in it's place.

I did several quick tests changing cpus from 100% for 2, 50% for 1, 100% with ncpus=4 for 4, 75% for 3, and back to no ncpus and 100%. In each test the appropiate number of CPUS + 1 CUDA/CPU<1 were running after the benchmark finished.

Then I let both run, so far so good. It's only been two hours.

I suspended one cpu project with several tasks running, second cpu project had no tasks and a third cpu project only had one task. The caused the single cpu task to run. no other tasks avaialable so it could not run two. Within a few seconds it downloaded a task from project without any and began running it. This is what is suppsoe to happen, and it did, so i'm back to all cpus running.

I checked most of the tabs, all are OK.

No errors logged.

This version seems mostly harmless and more well behaved. I think it is safe for you'll to try.

Again, since it has not been fully tested, I make no guarrantee.

Only bad so far:
Do not try graphics with malaria control app. it crashed both times crashing the malaria task (lost work). graphics was ok with a docking@home task, so maybe it is just the malaria graphics.

I will run more testing later tonight and more extensive testing tomorrow.
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Message 3540 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | 20:31:05 UTC - in response to Message 3539.

Here are the changes:

* client: /proc/N/stat has () around the command name. Remove these.
* client: the preemptability order was wrong
* client: cleaned up CPU scheduler logic somewhat
* client: include precompiled header in rr_sim.cpp so memory leak detection will work.
* MGR: Have the BaseFrame call a function to determine if the selection list should be saved instead of traversing the application pointer. Each view just overrides the function returning a true/false value. We don't have to worry about null pointers and the like.
* MGR: BOINCGUIApp should never need to know how either the views work or the document. Move the code that determines which RPCs should be fired into each of the views. Have the document look for it there.
* MGR: Reduce duplicate code for hiding and showing an application
* MGR: Move some Windows and Mac specific code into functions and streamline the application startup and shutdown rountines.
* MGR: Move the event processing that was in BOINCGUIApp into the BaseFrame.
* MGR: General cleanup.
* MGR: Doxygen comments.
* MGR: Cleanup some warnings
* MGR: Fix show / hide on Mac broken by previous changes
* Rebuild libcurl x86 and x64 (turn off async DNS) for Windows only
* client: revise round-robin simulation to take variable avg_ncpus into account
* Mac SCR: fix some real and potential crash bugs

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3541 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | 23:07:25 UTC
Last modified: 31 Oct 2008 | 23:07:42 UTC

6.3.21 for windows x86 is running well, I'm beginning some more extensive tests now to see if I can break it.

Computer with 6.3.19 was incorrectly running only 1 CPU + 1 CUDA/CPU<1.

After install to 6.3.21, it immediately ran 2 CPU and 1 CUDA/CPU<1, much better.


Here's what you need to do.

If you use <ncpus>#</ncpus> in your cc_config.xml file, remove it. It is no longer needed.

Install new version 6.3.21

What you will get is a cpu task for each cpu (ht/dual=2, quad=4) and a GPUGRID task CUDA/CPU<1 running for each gpu. You should always have a gpugrid task running up to max gpus. I only have one, but I'm told it should support multiple gpus now. There will be options in some future version to limit gpus.

Let at least two GPUGRID tasks run and finish. Do not count the one that would be running when you changed versions.

Check the ms/step reported over previous results. Report results in CPUS<1 thread.

If you want you can reduce cpus, so GPUGRID get one cpu core to itself instead of sharing, do this in your project global preferences, either on the website or under advanced settings in boinc manager. Change the use 100% of processors to 50% for HT/DUAL or 75% for Quads. This will run benchmarks and reduce your cpu task usage by one, leaving 1 cpu core for the CUDA/CPU task.

Again let at least two complete GPUGRID tasks run, and check the results. Do not count one if you change in the middle of the run.

It may also be necessary to set 'remove apps from memory' to yes, although now that we have a properly functioning [knock on wood] client that should keep the gpu app running it may not. The GPU app should not get suspended. If you suspend manually, note your gpu elapsed time will be wrong, it will include suspended time, unless app is removed from memory.

If you play games you may want to suspend boinc while playing games. Use the new option in cc_config.xml options, <exclusive_app>gamename.exe</exclusive_app>. Unfortunately this will suspend all boinc while playing, but will save you the trouble of manually suspending and resuming. You probably want to use remove apps from memory also when doing this. Note gamename.exe, without path name, and must be exactly as it will appear in the system, (as in task manager for windows). You can have multiple exclusive_apps in your cc_config.xml file.

Profile koschi
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Message 3542 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | 23:12:05 UTC

The Linux one is again i686, so it wont get WUs from PS3GRID, but crunch those that are already on the system. Why they are not giving out x86-64 compiled clients? Grrr :-(

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Message 3543 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | 23:22:21 UTC - in response to Message 3542.

The Linux i686 will also not d/l any 64 bit work besides the grid so it is totally useless to me :(

Profile Nightlord
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Message 3544 - Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | 23:44:01 UTC

Running fine and dandy on Vista32, everything seems good. It appears stable in operation with 2CPU's plus 1GPU, no ncpus settings.....Need to wait for a 64Bit Linux though :(

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Message 3545 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 0:07:51 UTC - in response to Message 3544.

Running fine and dandy on Vista32, everything seems good. It appears stable in operation with 2CPU's plus 1GPU, no ncpus settings.....Need to wait for a 64Bit Linux though :(

Ditto here on Vista 64 bit. 4CPU's + 1GPU. :)


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Message 3551 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 3:58:48 UTC
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008 | 4:00:57 UTC

Benchmark problem on first run and checking for internet access.

31-Oct-2008 23:46:08 [---] BOINC can't access Internet - check network connection or proxy configuration.
31-Oct-2008 23:46:25 [---] FP benchmark ran only 0.998406 sec; ignoring
31-Oct-2008 23:46:25 [---] FP benchmark ran only 0.982806 sec; ignoring
31-Oct-2008 23:46:25 [---] FP benchmark ran only 0.982806 sec; ignoring

GPU app runs at 17%. With 1% increase, I hope the run time would be less as well.

Edit: seems to reach 18% as well from time to time.

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Message 3552 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 9:30:07 UTC
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008 | 10:20:37 UTC

Seems to run okay for me so far on 5 Box's with 5 Wu's running with no setting set for ncpu's, 0%-1% CPU Usage, Win XP Pro 64-Bit all 5 Box's.

PS: Was checking my run times & they seemed to increase across the board from 5.5 Hr's to 7.5 Hr.s running 5 Wu's @ once. I'm going to set the ncpu's to 4 & see what happens ...

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Message 3557 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 11:29:37 UTC

Looking good so far. Thanks for the detailed write-up, Keith! Almost worth a FAQ entry, though most of the comments are probably short-lived, as it would only confuse new crunchers to tell them what they don't have to bother about any more ;)


if you're getting 0-1% CPU usage something is wrong and you'll see greatly increased crunching times, like you're already saying. With 4+1 tasks my CPU usage is 8 - 13% now, though it did go up to ~20%. And I'd like to draw your attention to Keiths post:

Krunchin-Keith wrote:
If you want you can reduce cpus, so GPUGRID get one cpu core to itself instead of sharing, do this in your project global preferences, either on the website or under advanced settings in boinc manager. Change the use 100% of processors to 50% for HT/DUAL or 75% for Quads. This will run benchmarks and reduce your cpu task usage by one, leaving 1 cpu core for the CUDA/CPU task.

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ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Message 3560 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 12:03:58 UTC

There is some new behaviour: 6.3.21 made a huge increase of my cache size, which seems to be more inline with my settings (1.25 days). Also there was this message:

01/11/2008 12:23:55||[error] Proposed work request 447323.836182 bigger than max 436320.000000

Is the max value project specific (i.e. a server setting) or is it a general BOINC limit? Never mind If it's the former, if it's the latter than 6.3.21 would not obey the BOINC rules :D

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Sherman H.
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Message 3561 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 12:21:14 UTC - in response to Message 3560.

There is some new behaviour: 6.3.21 made a huge increase of my cache size, which seems to be more inline with my settings (1.25 days). Also there was this message:
01/11/2008 12:23:55||[error] Proposed work request 447323.836182 bigger than max 436320.000000

Is the max value project specific (i.e. a server setting) or is it a general BOINC limit? Never mind If it's the former, if it's the latter than 6.3.21 would not obey the BOINC rules :D


I'm getting this message proposed work request bigger than max message as well, but the cache is quickly growing way more than my setting of 1 day. I'm going back to 6.3.19 for now.

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Message 3562 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 12:26:17 UTC - in response to Message 3557.

PoorBoy, if you're getting 0-1% CPU usage something is wrong and you'll see greatly increased crunching times, like you're already saying. With 4+1 tasks my CPU usage is 8 - 13% now, though it did go up to ~20%. And I'd like to draw your attention to Keiths post:

Krunchin-Keith wrote:
If you want you can reduce cpus, so GPUGRID get one cpu core to itself instead of sharing, do this in your project global preferences, either on the website or under advanced settings in boinc manager. Change the use 100% of processors to 50% for HT/DUAL or 75% for Quads. This will run benchmarks and reduce your cpu task usage by one, leaving 1 cpu core for the CUDA/CPU task.


I set the Box's to 3 ncpu's & so far they've held to 4 Wu's, 3 Regular CPU Wu's & 1 ... I think I know why the GPU was using 0%-1% only, I'm running that goofy FreeHal Project a little and the runner.exe they use is using up to 25% itself thus denying the GPU any CPU Resource, or so I think thats whats happening.

I'm going to stop running that Project shortly so then things may straighten themselves out a little ... :)

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3564 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 13:25:25 UTC - in response to Message 3560.

There is some new behaviour: 6.3.21 made a huge increase of my cache size, which seems to be more inline with my settings (1.25 days). Also there was this message:
01/11/2008 12:23:55||[error] Proposed work request 447323.836182 bigger than max 436320.000000

Is the max value project specific (i.e. a server setting) or is it a general BOINC limit? Never mind If it's the former, if it's the latter than 6.3.21 would not obey the BOINC rules :D


I do not know what this is.

What project is the request for ?

If you don't know,
Try NNW for each project one at a time, for a short while, and see if the message goes away. When it does, turn requests for that project back on, if message resumes that would indicate which project.

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3567 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 13:55:04 UTC - in response to Message 3562.

PoorBoy, if you're getting 0-1% CPU usage something is wrong and you'll see greatly increased crunching times, like you're already saying. With 4+1 tasks my CPU usage is 8 - 13% now, though it did go up to ~20%. And I'd like to draw your attention to Keiths post:

Krunchin-Keith wrote:
If you want you can reduce cpus, so GPUGRID get one cpu core to itself instead of sharing, do this in your project global preferences, either on the website or under advanced settings in boinc manager. Change the use 100% of processors to 50% for HT/DUAL or 75% for Quads. This will run benchmarks and reduce your cpu task usage by one, leaving 1 cpu core for the CUDA/CPU task.


I set the Box's to 3 ncpu's & so far they've held to 4 Wu's, 3 Regular CPU Wu's & 1 ... I think I know why the GPU was using 0%-1% only, I'm running that goofy FreeHal Project a little and the runner.exe they use is using up to 25% itself thus denying the GPU any CPU Resource, or so I think thats whats happening.

I'm going to stop running that Project shortly so then things may straighten themselves out a little ... :)

Yes, some other apps do not behave well and hog cpu's.

Can you tell me about the FreeHal app.
Is it a wrapper app ?
Does it use JAVA ?
What system base priority does it run at ?

I have seen similar behavior with malaria control optimizer which is JAVA app inside the wrapper. When it runs, the gpu app sits idle not getting any cpu, accumulating extra elapsed gpu time. Other malaria apps are OK.

Sherman H.
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Message 3568 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 14:08:05 UTC - in response to Message 3564.

I do not know what this is.

What project is the request for ?

If you don't know,
Try NNW for each project one at a time, for a short while, and see if the message goes away. When it does, turn requests for that project back on, if message resumes that would indicate which project.

For me, it was for all 3 projects I participate in (here, CPDN and SAH). I forgot to mention in my previous message that I got a different max value in the error message.

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3570 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 14:22:28 UTC - in response to Message 3568.

I do not know what this is.

What project is the request for ?

If you don't know,
Try NNW for each project one at a time, for a short while, and see if the message goes away. When it does, turn requests for that project back on, if message resumes that would indicate which project.

For me, it was for all 3 projects I participate in (here, CPDN and SAH). I forgot to mention in my previous message that I got a different max value in the error message.

Different max value for each project ? What values did you get ?

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Message 3571 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 14:44:39 UTC - in response to Message 3567.
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008 | 15:32:22 UTC

Can you tell me about the FreeHal app.
Is it a wrapper app ?
Does it use JAVA ?
What system base priority does it run at ?

I have seen similar behavior with malaria control optimizer which is JAVA app inside the wrapper. When it runs, the gpu app sits idle not getting any cpu, accumulating extra elapsed gpu time. Other malaria apps are OK.

It uses a Wrapper & a runner.exe *32 that doesn't play nice at all, you have to manually stop the Process when exiting BOINC or it stays running .. Don't know about Jave but there was a lot of talk about it using Pearl ??? The Wrapper & runner both seem to run @ Low Priority though ..

PS: According to the Project the Wu's are supposed to be a non cpu-intensive type or something like that. I informed them already that their full of it ... :)

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Message 3572 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 14:59:09 UTC - in response to Message 3570.

Different max value for each project ? What values did you get ?

It's the same max value for all projects. I've already rolled back to 6.3.19, so I don't have the exact value anymore, but I think it was 395xxx (I'm sure about it being in the three hundred thousand range, not as certain about the 95xxx).

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3577 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 16:49:49 UTC - in response to Message 3572.

Different max value for each project ? What values did you get ?

It's the same max value for all projects. I've already rolled back to 6.3.19, so I don't have the exact value anymore, but I think it was 395xxx (I'm sure about it being in the three hundred thousand range, not as certain about the 95xxx).

I cannot reproduce.

What is your connect interval and additional days ?

Are there any other settings that might have changed from deault that might affect this ?

Sorry but without more info it is hard to help.

First off when starting client, check these messages, be sure client is using correct preferences and limits:
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||General prefs: from (last modified 12-Oct-2008 10:31:26)
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Computer location: home
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||General prefs: using separate prefs for home
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Reading preferences override file
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1535.04MB
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 1842.05MB
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit disk usage to 5.28GB

Does the number reported in any way coincide with a memory or disk limit ?

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Message 3578 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 18:45:55 UTC

I switched to 6.3.21 yesterday and it seems to be having a bit of teething problems. I was also in the process of switching from 3x+1 as my primary CPU project to abc and simap happened to hit.

Anyway, 6.3.21 downloaded 8 or 10, 3 hour WU's for ABC when configured for 6 hours max. It later downloaded more. I now have 52 of those 3 hour ABC wu's on a quad core machine. I expect 8 to 10. It also has one 3x+1 partially finished and 7 simap.

In case it matters, I have PS3GRID set at 1000 resource, simap at 1000 resource, ABC at 500 resource and 3x+1 at 100 resource (and no new tasks)

This may be one of those performance factors resolving things or one of those long term debt things, or it may be a new bug.

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Message 3579 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 19:03:29 UTC - in response to Message 3577.

I cannot reproduce.

What is your connect interval and additional days ?

Are there any other settings that might have changed from deault that might affect this ?

Sorry but without more info it is hard to help.

First off when starting client, check these messages, be sure client is using correct preferences and limits:
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||General prefs: from (last modified 12-Oct-2008 10:31:26)
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Computer location: home
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||General prefs: using separate prefs for home
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Reading preferences override file
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1535.04MB
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 1842.05MB
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit disk usage to 5.28GB

Does the number reported in any way coincide with a memory or disk limit ?

Here're the messages when I last started the client right after I rolled back to .19 from .21:

01/11/2008 08:23:24||Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11]
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 mmx
01/11/2008 08:23:24||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Memory: 3.25 GB physical, 7.07 GB virtual
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Disk: 5.00 GB total, 1.30 GB free
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Local time is UTC -4 hours
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Not using a proxy
01/11/2008 08:23:24||CUDA devices found
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Coprocessor: GeForce 8800 GT (1)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Version change (6.3.21 -> 6.3.19)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||URL:; Computer ID: 864551; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 08:23:24|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 4348304; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 08:23:24|GPUGRID|URL:; Computer ID: 11763; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 08:23:24||General prefs: from (last modified 19-Oct-2008 21:54:46)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Host location: none
01/11/2008 08:23:24||General prefs: using your defaults
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1663.21MB
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 3326.42MB
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.30GB

My connect interval is 0 day, for 1 additional day. Since I don't recall exactly the max value, it may have coincided with (24 hours/day)*(3600 seconds/hour) * 16. This unknown factor of 16 is very much speculative though.

On a slightly different topic, I haven't said anything about the disk usage limit before, but I've noticed ever since I started GPUGrid (and thus the development clients) that the disk usage limit is supposedly set to some strange number. I've got a 5GB partition for BOINC and BOINC alone. Usage limit is set to 5GB, leave 0.001GB free, use at most 100%, yet the startup message indicates that the disk limit is set at 1.3GB. However, on the disc usage tab BOINC reports that it is using 3.68GB, with 1.29GB free but unavailable to BOINC.

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Message 3580 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 19:08:12 UTC - in response to Message 3579.

Correction to my previous message: *16 should be roughly the amount of work BOINC wants to get, *4 was roughly where the max value was.

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 3581 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 19:40:59 UTC - in response to Message 3579.
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008 | 20:01:52 UTC

I cannot reproduce.

What is your connect interval and additional days ?

Are there any other settings that might have changed from deault that might affect this ?

Sorry but without more info it is hard to help.

First off when starting client, check these messages, be sure client is using correct preferences and limits:
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||General prefs: from (last modified 12-Oct-2008 10:31:26)
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Computer location: home
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||General prefs: using separate prefs for home
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Reading preferences override file
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1535.04MB
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 1842.05MB
11/1/2008 12:21:00 PM||Preferences limit disk usage to 5.28GB

Does the number reported in any way coincide with a memory or disk limit ?

Here're the messages when I last started the client right after I rolled back to .19 from .21:

01/11/2008 08:23:24||Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11]
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 mmx
01/11/2008 08:23:24||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Memory: 3.25 GB physical, 7.07 GB virtual
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Disk: 5.00 GB total, 1.30 GB free
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Local time is UTC -4 hours
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Not using a proxy
01/11/2008 08:23:24||CUDA devices found
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Coprocessor: GeForce 8800 GT (1)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Version change (6.3.21 -> 6.3.19)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||URL:; Computer ID: 864551; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 08:23:24|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 4348304; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 08:23:24|GPUGRID|URL:; Computer ID: 11763; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 08:23:24||General prefs: from (last modified 19-Oct-2008 21:54:46)
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Host location: none
01/11/2008 08:23:24||General prefs: using your defaults
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1663.21MB
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 3326.42MB
01/11/2008 08:23:24||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.30GB

My connect interval is 0 day, for 1 additional day. Since I don't recall exactly the max value, it may have coincided with (24 hours/day)*(3600 seconds/hour) * 16. This unknown factor of 16 is very much speculative though.

On a slightly different topic, I haven't said anything about the disk usage limit before, but I've noticed ever since I started GPUGrid (and thus the development clients) that the disk usage limit is supposedly set to some strange number. I've got a 5GB partition for BOINC and BOINC alone. Usage limit is set to 5GB, leave 0.001GB free, use at most 100%, yet the startup message indicates that the disk limit is set at 1.3GB. However, on the disc usage tab BOINC reports that it is using 3.68GB, with 1.29GB free but unavailable to BOINC.

Are you getting this error in 6.3.19 ?

If only 6.3.21, I need the messages from that version. messages from another version do not help much. Do you get same values from both versions ?

Check your preferences at CPdN, make sure they are correct. Try changing them slightly say to 4GB, then update project, and see how much the limit changes. Change them back and update again. Do the limits go back to previous value ?

Sorry, I missed this line, see bold above.
What does you o/s report is free, is it the same number ?

Mine shows correct value in both o/s and 6.3.21. My memory limits also come out correct for amount of memory and percentages I have specified. I see nothing wrong with the cleint and it's limits.
Your limit is set to 1.30GB, because that is all there is free. Something else is taking up the space.

My o/s shows 151GB Free on drive C.
11/1/2008 12:20:58 PM||Memory: 2.00 GB physical, 4.85 GB virtual
11/1/2008 12:20:58 PM||Disk: 226.75 GB total, 151.15 GB free << BOINC says same.

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Message 3582 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 19:47:41 UTC - in response to Message 3578.

I switched to 6.3.21 yesterday and it seems to be having a bit of teething problems. I was also in the process of switching from 3x+1 as my primary CPU project to abc and simap happened to hit.

Anyway, 6.3.21 downloaded 8 or 10, 3 hour WU's for ABC when configured for 6 hours max. It later downloaded more. I now have 52 of those 3 hour ABC wu's on a quad core machine. I expect 8 to 10. It also has one 3x+1 partially finished and 7 simap.

In case it matters, I have PS3GRID set at 1000 resource, simap at 1000 resource, ABC at 500 resource and 3x+1 at 100 resource (and no new tasks)

This may be one of those performance factors resolving things or one of those long term debt things, or it may be a new bug.

You would get something like this if last time you ran the project they had different length work units. Probably what has happened is the DCF is off. Look at the properties tab and see what the DCF (Duration Correction Factor) is for each project. Ideal is 1. What happens is the server uses that value to adjust amount of work. If it is real low from previous use, it thinks your computer is real fast and send you a lot of work. What will happen is as you run this work, it will self correct. When you run a project all the time you do not have this problem, as if project changes the length or factor they use for an estimate, you system would already have corrected. When not running for a period, you might miss this and then when you resume the numbers are out of whack. BOINC will correct for this and slowly settle back to normal.

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Message 3583 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 21:21:54 UTC - in response to Message 3581.

Are you getting this error in 6.3.19 ?

If only 6.3.21, I need the messages from that version. messages from another version do not help much. Do you get same values from both versions ?

Check your preferences at CPdN, make sure they are correct. Try changing them slightly say to 4GB, then update project, and see how much the limit changes. Change them back and update again. Do the limits go back to previous value ?

Sorry, I missed this line, see bold above.
What does you o/s report is free, is it the same number ?

Mine shows correct value in both o/s and 6.3.21. My memory limits also come out correct for amount of memory and percentages I have specified. I see nothing wrong with the cleint and it's limits.
Your limit is set to 1.30GB, because that is all there is free. Something else is taking up the space.

My o/s shows 151GB Free on drive C.
11/1/2008 12:20:58 PM||Memory: 2.00 GB physical, 4.85 GB virtual
11/1/2008 12:20:58 PM||Disk: 226.75 GB total, 151.15 GB free << BOINC says same.

This are the message from 6.3.21:

01/11/2008 17:02:28||Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11]
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 mmx
01/11/2008 17:02:28||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Memory: 3.25 GB physical, 7.07 GB virtual
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Disk: 5.00 GB total, 1.29 GB free
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Local time is UTC -4 hours
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Not using a proxy
01/11/2008 17:02:28||CUDA devices found
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Coprocessor: GeForce 8800 GT (1)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Version change (6.3.19 -> 6.3.21)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||URL:; Computer ID: 864551; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 17:02:28|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 4348304; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 17:02:28|GPUGRID|URL:; Computer ID: 11763; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 17:02:28||General prefs: from (last modified 19-Oct-2008 21:54:46)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Host location: none
01/11/2008 17:02:28||General prefs: using your defaults
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1663.21MB
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 3326.42MB
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.29GB
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Running CPU benchmarks
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Suspending computation - running CPU benchmarks
01/11/2008 17:02:59||Benchmark results:
01/11/2008 17:02:59|| Number of CPUs: 4
01/11/2008 17:02:59|| 3131 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
01/11/2008 17:02:59|| 6679 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
01/11/2008 17:03:00||Restarting task hadcm3ivolc_l3d2_2000_80_06001976_2 using hadcm3i version 602
01/11/2008 17:03:00||Restarting task hadcm3ivolc_l3c7_2000_80_06001971_1 using hadcm3i version 602
01/11/2008 17:03:00|GPUGRID|Restarting task JouG342-GPUTEST4-3-10-acemd_0 using acemd version 648
01/11/2008 17:03:00|SETI@home|Restarting task 04se08ab.30108.12751.14.8.98_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
01/11/2008 17:03:00|SETI@home|Restarting task 04se08ad.29656.206627.7.8.147_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
01/11/2008 17:03:40||[error] Proposed work request 11055335.522265 bigger than max 349059.490560

The OS reports 1.29GB free, just as BOINC is reporting in the message log. The BOINC files on this partition are occupying 3.68GB according to the OS, which agrees with the amount as reported in disc space tab on the client. Clearly, however, 3.68GB is larger than the 1.29GB that is supposedly the limit according the message log. Incidentally, 1.29GB is also the amount reported in the disc space tab as free space that is unavailable to BOINC.

The max value of 349059s is rather close to 4 days (345600s), as I speculated in my previous message. The requested amount of work of 11055335s is roughly 128 days (11059200s). Sorry I got this wrong before.

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Message 3584 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 21:47:00 UTC - in response to Message 3583.
Last modified: 1 Nov 2008 | 21:51:35 UTC

Are you getting this error in 6.3.19 ?

If only 6.3.21, I need the messages from that version. messages from another version do not help much. Do you get same values from both versions ?

Check your preferences at CPdN, make sure they are correct. Try changing them slightly say to 4GB, then update project, and see how much the limit changes. Change them back and update again. Do the limits go back to previous value ?

Sorry, I missed this line, see bold above.
What does you o/s report is free, is it the same number ?

Mine shows correct value in both o/s and 6.3.21. My memory limits also come out correct for amount of memory and percentages I have specified. I see nothing wrong with the cleint and it's limits.
Your limit is set to 1.30GB, because that is all there is free. Something else is taking up the space.

My o/s shows 151GB Free on drive C.
11/1/2008 12:20:58 PM||Memory: 2.00 GB physical, 4.85 GB virtual
11/1/2008 12:20:58 PM||Disk: 226.75 GB total, 151.15 GB free << BOINC says same.

This are the message from 6.3.21:

01/11/2008 17:02:28||Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11]
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 mmx
01/11/2008 17:02:28||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Memory: 3.25 GB physical, 7.07 GB virtual
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Disk: 5.00 GB total, 1.29 GB free
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Local time is UTC -4 hours
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Not using a proxy
01/11/2008 17:02:28||CUDA devices found
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Coprocessor: GeForce 8800 GT (1)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Version change (6.3.19 -> 6.3.21)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||URL:; Computer ID: 864551; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 17:02:28|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 4348304; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 17:02:28|GPUGRID|URL:; Computer ID: 11763; location: (none); project prefs: default
01/11/2008 17:02:28||General prefs: from (last modified 19-Oct-2008 21:54:46)
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Host location: none
01/11/2008 17:02:28||General prefs: using your defaults
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1663.21MB
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 3326.42MB
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.29GB
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Running CPU benchmarks
01/11/2008 17:02:28||Suspending computation - running CPU benchmarks
01/11/2008 17:02:59||Benchmark results:
01/11/2008 17:02:59|| Number of CPUs: 4
01/11/2008 17:02:59|| 3131 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
01/11/2008 17:02:59|| 6679 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
01/11/2008 17:03:00||Restarting task hadcm3ivolc_l3d2_2000_80_06001976_2 using hadcm3i version 602
01/11/2008 17:03:00||Restarting task hadcm3ivolc_l3c7_2000_80_06001971_1 using hadcm3i version 602
01/11/2008 17:03:00|GPUGRID|Restarting task JouG342-GPUTEST4-3-10-acemd_0 using acemd version 648
01/11/2008 17:03:00|SETI@home|Restarting task 04se08ab.30108.12751.14.8.98_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
01/11/2008 17:03:00|SETI@home|Restarting task 04se08ad.29656.206627.7.8.147_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
01/11/2008 17:03:40||[error] Proposed work request 11055335.522265 bigger than max 349059.490560

The OS reports 1.29GB free, just as BOINC is reporting in the message log. The BOINC files on this partition are occupying 3.68GB according to the OS, which agrees with the amount as reported in disc space tab on the client. Clearly, however, 3.68GB is larger than the 1.29GB that is supposedly the limit according the message log. Incidentally, 1.29GB is also the amount reported in the disc space tab as free space that is unavailable to BOINC.

The max value of 349059s is rather close to 4 days (345600s), as I speculated in my previous message. The requested amount of work of 11055335s is roughly 128 days (11059200s). Sorry I got this wrong before.

OK, two things.

#1 the [error] bug has been found, the developer hopes. Unfortunately you have to wait for next client since it is over requesting work. Best I can say is downgrade or try a smaller additional days value like 0.39 to 0.79. Thanks for your help on answering questions about this.

#2 I'll pass along the disk limit and see what happens, maybe when the numbers get small enough something is transposed. I discovered the use at most is reduced by 7% (don't know why) for the limit. Since you have a 5GB partition and want to use all of it, I would raise this number, it won't hurt as the other limit is 100% of space and you want to use the whole partition. See if that helps or changes anything.
[edit] now that I think on this more, I think boinc uses the correct value, the message just reports the wrong value. Otherwise your current usage of 3.68 would be over the limit and you would not be getting more work.

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Message 3585 - Posted: 1 Nov 2008 | 22:01:22 UTC

OK - so as we all understand - is 6.3.21 any better than any other client ....

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Message 3586 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 0:07:42 UTC - in response to Message 3582.

You would get something like this if last time you ran the project they had different length work units. Probably what has happened is the DCF is off. Look at the properties tab and see what the DCF (Duration Correction Factor) is for each project. Ideal is 1.

A new button! Cool, I never saw the "properties" tab before. It is not on my 5.10.xx clients.

And you are correct. My DCF for ABC is 5.2, and my client got about ... 5.2 times as many work units as it should. Thanks for teaching me a new trick.

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Message 3587 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 0:41:27 UTC - in response to Message 3585.

OK - so as we all understand - is 6.3.21 any better than any other client ....

Yes, It runs proper tasks. I've had zero failure since install to run correct amount of cpu and cuda tasks.

It does have 2 minor bugs we have found. See rest of conversation. Which are in those clients also, they just may not show up unless certain circumstances exist.

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Message 3588 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 0:45:08 UTC - in response to Message 3584.

#2 I'll pass along the disk limit and see what happens, maybe when the numbers get small enough something is transposed. I discovered the use at most is reduced by 7% (don't know why) for the limit. Since you have a 5GB partition and want to use all of it, I would raise this number, it won't hurt as the other limit is 100% of space and you want to use the whole partition. See if that helps or changes anything.
[edit] now that I think on this more, I think boinc uses the correct value, the message just reports the wrong value. Otherwise your current usage of 3.68 would be over the limit and you would not be getting more work.

This has been fixed. There were some places in the client where the disk amounts are being multiplied by 1e9 which is 1,000,000,000 and not the correct gigabyte amount of 2^20 which is 1,073,741,824.

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Message 3589 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 0:47:34 UTC - in response to Message 3586.
Last modified: 2 Nov 2008 | 0:49:51 UTC

You would get something like this if last time you ran the project they had different length work units. Probably what has happened is the DCF is off. Look at the properties tab and see what the DCF (Duration Correction Factor) is for each project. Ideal is 1.

A new button! Cool, I never saw the "properties" tab before. It is not on my 5.10.xx clients.

And you are correct. My DCF for ABC is 5.2, and my client got about ... 5.2 times as many work units as it should. Thanks for teaching me a new trick.

The properties button is new in the last few releases. Available on both the projects and tasks tab.

Yes, that would do it. It will self correct over time or your can fix yourself if you know how to edit client_state.xml

note: This has nothing to do with this specific client. It just happened at exact time the client was updated that projects were switched to one with a out of whack DCF

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Message 3590 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 2:05:05 UTC - in response to Message 3588.

Brilliant! Thanks for passing along the issues I've found, and I'm glad I'm contributing to the testing, however small a part it is :)

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Message 3591 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 10:54:58 UTC - in response to Message 3587.

OK - so as we all understand - is 6.3.21 any better than any other client ....

Yes, It runs proper tasks. I've had zero failure since install to run correct amount of cpu and cuda tasks.

It does have 2 minor bugs we have found. See rest of conversation. Which are in those clients also, they just may not show up unless certain circumstances exist.

I agree, it does seem to run the Proper amount of Task's, but I did find 1 Box this morning running only 2 Regular Wu's & 1 GPU Wu on a Quad Core. I have 3 ncpu's set in the cc_config.xml file & until this morning all 5 of my GPU Capable Box's ran 3 Regular Wu's & 1 GPU Wu.

I stop & re-started BOINC several times but it would go right back to 3 Reg & 1 GPU so I re-booted and then it stayed @ 3 Reg & 1 GPU Wu & so far has stayed there ... Running Win XP Pro 64-Bit on that Box

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Message 3592 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 12:05:38 UTC
Last modified: 2 Nov 2008 | 12:06:29 UTC

Did you try just using the 'Advanced, Preferences' menu , and setting % cpu used?

I am also running a Win64 box, and this (6.3.21) seems to be working well. It is only an X2 box, but it's been running 1+1 fine (no re-starts) since I upgraded the Boinc.


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Message 3593 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 12:17:40 UTC

Set it to what, it's set to 100% now, what else would I wnat it to be other than 100% usage ???

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Message 3594 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 12:30:34 UTC - in response to Message 3593.
Last modified: 2 Nov 2008 | 12:59:30 UTC

If you want your GPU to have the most CPU cycles, set your Quad = 75%, your box should then run 3 cpu + 1 gpu tasks.

a dual would be = 50% (1+1).

If you look in Task Manager while running 4+1, you should see about 16% usage (Win64) on the GPU task. When you change to 75% in 'Preferences', that should change the GPU usage upwards (to maybe 35%). This may not be efficent in CPU utilization, but your GPU task will run faster.

My Ubuntu (x64) box does not seem to have a CPU sharing issue. It only uses 1-2% cpu all the time (4+1 or 3+1). I'm not sure why this is. So it runs at 'Preferences = 100%' all the time. Maybe I have to run a newer driver....

And remove or edit out the 'nocpus' line in 'cc_config', or disable it or whatever you do to turn it off.


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Message 3595 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 13:03:30 UTC

Okay, I see now & will play with it a little & see what happens, Thanks Bender ... :)

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Message 3616 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 23:05:13 UTC

I am now not getting work from 3x+1 I keep getting "not getting work, wont finish in time You comp is on 98.4% of the time and BOINC gets 97.8% of that."

how could I not be able to finish a 2.5h wu in a month on a qx6700 running only 3x+1 and ps3grid?

cache is set to connect every 0 days, buffer for 1 day

boinc 6.3.21 x64 on server 2008 x64

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Message 3617 - Posted: 2 Nov 2008 | 23:17:53 UTC

Do you have the GPU-Grid ressource share massively higher than 3+1?

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Message 3623 - Posted: 3 Nov 2008 | 7:59:08 UTC
Last modified: 3 Nov 2008 | 8:00:41 UTC

true, I do... 100000 to the other 100. I didn't have this problem with 6.3.14

I just uped the buffer time from 1 day to 5 days, and I got a fair amount of new work, no other settings were changed.

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Message 3629 - Posted: 3 Nov 2008 | 18:05:59 UTC
Last modified: 3 Nov 2008 | 19:06:36 UTC

For you linux 64'ers try version now posted.

All versions of 6.3.21 are now avaialble at

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Message 3675 - Posted: 5 Nov 2008 | 9:38:18 UTC - in response to Message 3629.

6.3.21 is now the suggested client.


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Message 3688 - Posted: 5 Nov 2008 | 23:33:24 UTC

I have a problem which has crept in on a Linux64 host. It tells me there is no work for my platform only atom cell not avail...yada....yada ...however if I switch it back to 6.3.19 it downloads work. This also occurred on the same host when trying 6.3.14,and had to switch back to 6.3.10 to get work.

The other thing that happened on 6.3.14 & now again 6.3.21 is screen flicker in the message screen where the alternating lines keep jumping back and forth.

My other host shows none of these problems.

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Message 3799 - Posted: 11 Nov 2008 | 4:33:51 UTC

On my Kubuntu 64 comp, 6.3.21 doesn't seem to be able to see my GPU. In the message tab it says "no coprocessors found". I've downloaded the latest Nvidia drivers which didn't help. GPU is a 8800GT.
I have just installed 6.3.21 on my windows comp & it runs fine there. Only a 8600GT on that one though :-(

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Message 3800 - Posted: 11 Nov 2008 | 8:07:30 UTC

Is the user that runs BOINC part of the group video? BOINC is not in there by default, so it can't use the video card... This message also appears under Linux if you are using the wrong


6.3.21 works very good for me, no problems so far :)

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Message 3831 - Posted: 15 Nov 2008 | 10:29:55 UTC

Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I've had other Boinc problems & eventually resorted to a re-installation.
Originally, I added boinc to the "video" group. This made no difference. Since re-installing I've found that there isn't a user "boinc" to add to the video group??. Should I create one?
In the boinc message tab it says "can't load library libcudart", and "no coprocessors found" is in the BOINC folder where the installation process put it, so it should be able to find it. So does anyone have any other ideas :-)

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Message 3984 - Posted: 24 Nov 2008 | 1:45:10 UTC - in response to Message 3831.

found a bug in 6.3.21

running a corei7-920 with 2 260 gtx gpu's and XP64

when installed, it defaulted to 10 days cache. changed it to 1 day cache and it still kept trying to get 10 days of work.

This caused the other project to run high priority and starved the gpu's of all cpu time. 1 gpugrid wu because of this has been running for over 12 hours and still not completed.

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Message 4035 - Posted: 25 Nov 2008 | 19:54:20 UTC

Been running GPUGrid under 6.3.21 on an i7 for about a week - I have found best WU turn around comes from setting processor usage to 99% under preferences. That way I'm running 7 other WUs and a GPU WU concurrently - GPUGrid WUs are taking about 6.5hours to complete on my 260-216.....
Have not seen the 10 day cache issue.

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Message 4037 - Posted: 25 Nov 2008 | 20:22:35 UTC - in response to Message 4035.
Last modified: 25 Nov 2008 | 20:23:14 UTC

Been running GPUGrid under 6.3.21 on an i7 for about a week - I have found best WU turn around comes from setting processor usage to 99% under preferences. That way I'm running 7 other WUs and a GPU WU concurrently - GPUGrid WUs are taking about 6.5hours to complete on my 260-216.....
Have not seen the 10 day cache issue.

¿How many GPUGRID WU's have you at the same time (crunching + in cache) with your i7?

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Message 4042 - Posted: 25 Nov 2008 | 21:56:56 UTC

@Burdett: you's get the same result if you set BOINC to use at max 87.5% of the CPUs, wouldn't you? I'm wondering if there's any unwanted side effect of setting 99% of time.. but there's a separate thread for that.

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Message 4045 - Posted: 25 Nov 2008 | 22:25:18 UTC - in response to Message 4042.

@Burdett: you's get the same result if you set BOINC to use at max 87.5% of the CPUs, wouldn't you? I'm wondering if there's any unwanted side effect of setting 99% of time.. but there's a separate thread for that.

this percentage thing is totally silly - everyone knows how many cores his machine has.

anyone with an X3-phenom abord to check what happens @50%?

unless this is meant to be used to control the percentage of shaders to use.. ;)

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Message 4048 - Posted: 26 Nov 2008 | 7:25:10 UTC - in response to Message 4045.

everyone knows how many cores his machine has.

Yeah, I'd say 100% +/- 5 ;)

this percentage thing is totally silly

Is it? If I want to tell BOINC to run 7 cpu tasks along the one GPU task, I want it to run on 7/8 of all cpu cores, that's 87.5%

anyone with an X3-phenom abord to check what happens @50%?

The same as if you set between 26 and 49% on a quad core.

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Message 4050 - Posted: 26 Nov 2008 | 9:13:50 UTC - in response to Message 4048.

There are 8 WUs - one running and 7 queued at any one time - which is a little over 2 days work give or take.
Sure, 99% gives me the same WU count active as 87.5% .... but I am trying to avoid the 100% (8 other WUs and 1 GPU WU) effect where GPUGrid times go out to 10 hours - and 99% is the first point that achieves that for me.
Generally HT has had a net positive effect on the processor to return other WUs, and I am able to hit the optimal turnaround times for my GTX260 at GPUGrid.


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Message 4785 - Posted: 23 Dec 2008 | 10:29:11 UTC - in response to Message 3539.
Last modified: 23 Dec 2008 | 10:49:43 UTC


I am using this version 6.3.21 and it works extremally well.

So my question is simple:

Is it worth to change from 6.3.21 to 6.5.0 ?

Will I crunch faster after change?

Now I have drivers: 178.24. Are new drivers better: 180.60 Beta or 180.48 WHQL

What you recomend?

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Message 4801 - Posted: 23 Dec 2008 | 16:29:51 UTC - in response to Message 4785.

Is it worth to change from 6.3.21 to 6.5.0 ?


Will I crunch faster after change?


Are new drivers better:


BOINC 6.4.x is recommended more for debug reasons than anything else. There are still problems in these releases and they're difficult to find -> larger user base.
The newer drivers are recommended, but as far as I know they're not faster in GPU-Grid. Only if you have the "out of memory" errors with a 64 Bit Win you should definitely upgrade to 180.84.

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Profile Paul D. Buck
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Message 4811 - Posted: 23 Dec 2008 | 22:51:45 UTC - in response to Message 4785.


I am using this version 6.3.21 and it works extremally well.

So my question is simple:

Is it worth to change from 6.3.21 to 6.5.0 ?

Will I crunch faster after change?

Now I have drivers: 178.24. Are new drivers better: 180.60 Beta or 180.48 WHQL

What you recomend?

Make changes only when needed. If things work well, then there is little or no reason to "upgrade".

In my case 6.4.5 was pretty flakey. I wanted to try the GPU processing so went to 6.5.0 ... but, had I not been interested in GPU processing I would have stayed with 5.x.y as it was working well for me.

Processing speed is almost completely dependent on the science application. That is the program that does the work. BOINC adds some overhead but it is minimal.

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