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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : Microsoft Surface book GPU performance?

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Message 48096 - Posted: 4 Nov 2017 | 3:49:03 UTC

Hello there.
Recently acquired a surface book with an i5-6200 and Nvidia GPU (not the higher performing one released in 2017).
I also have a Sager with an geforce 670M.

I heard the one in the surface performs similar to the 940m?
How will these two cards compare in this project and, in fact, will they actually get any WUs?
Gave up on it a few months back because work was non existent on the Sager.
Has this changed?
Any help/feedback appreciated.
Thank you.

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Message 48099 - Posted: 4 Nov 2017 | 11:14:33 UTC - in response to Message 48096.
Last modified: 4 Nov 2017 | 11:23:05 UTC

Recently acquired a surface book with an i5-6200 and Nvidia GPU (not the higher performing one released in 2017).
If you could give the exact GPU model / VRAM size of this surface book then we could evaluate it.
A quick Google search gives results like "NVidia GPU with 1GB VRAM" which seems quite inadequate for GPUGrid.

I also have a Sager with an geforce 670M.
The GTX 670M has 336 CUDA cores at 600MHz, which is also inadequate.

I heard the one in the surface performs similar to the 940m?
How will these two cards compare in this project?
Perhaps they could finish a short run in the 5 days deadline if you leave them on 24/7.

will they actually get any WUs?
They will get WUs, but there are mostly long runs in the queue, and these are too demanding tasks for a mobile GPU to finish in the 5 days deadline.

Gave up on it a few months back because work was non existent on the Sager.
Has this changed?
It's not changed. Short runs are still rare.

BTW it's not recommended to crunch on ultrabooks like the Surfacebook.
To crunch (requiring 24/7 activity) on the GPU of gaming laptops also needs some extra caution about the cooling. At least these laptops should be placed on that side which does not have the exhaust of the cooling fans. In this position their bottom side is vertical which increases cooling by making the intake visible (=exposed to open air) and also the bottom side could radiate some more heat.

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Message 48101 - Posted: 4 Nov 2017 | 13:46:40 UTC

I personally would recommend not to crunch on any laptop due to my personal experience of the fans dying on a brand new 1070 laptop. Ultrabooks are not designed for high heat dissipation and should not be used for this type of activity.

I would personally recommend if your GPU has "M" in the title it is probably not the best suited for something like this.

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : Microsoft Surface book GPU performance?
