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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : 6.3.10-runs 2CPU+1GPU on a CoreDuo since yesterday

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Profile KyleFL
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Message 2712 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 7:15:56 UTC
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 7:18:43 UTC

A very strange thing is happening on my host.

I´m using BOINC 6.3.10 with default settings (no messing around with ncpu+1 or something like that)

After I uploaded a new WU for GPU Grid last night I found my PC crunching happily two CPU Seti units alongside one GPUgrid WU.... (Core2 Duo)

The WU will be finished in about 1h so I can give you the time per step / estimated completion time.

Cu KyleFL

Profile [XTBA>XTC] ZeuZ
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Message 2714 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 8:15:05 UTC


Same thing here, I am not using ncpu+1

Boinc 6.3.10 - Vista64

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Message 2715 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 8:19:46 UTC - in response to Message 2714.
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 8:20:54 UTC

Same here but only on 2 from 4 computers. Is there any reason for that ?

I am using Boinc 6.3.10

[] Nowi
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Message 2719 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 9:10:43 UTC
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 9:16:01 UTC


I had the same behavior last evening. Suddenly boinc started an extra GPUGrid-WU additional to the running CPDN and EAH. It is an old WU which is crunched before as an extra task on my Dualcore. For information: before that a new WU was downloaded. Yesterday evening I stopped Boinc overnight and in the morning I started BOINC again.
Now this behavior I see. Boinc starts GPU-Grid as a third tasks and after a short while (I think on the first checkpoint) the GPU-Grid-WU is stopped. Of course the GPU-Grid has the highest STD of all projects and on "right" scheduling this WU has to run with first priority. After on hour BOINC started GPU-Grid again and stops immediately.

I show you the stdoudae:

03-Oct-2008 08:02:43 [] [cpu_sched] Starting hadam3h_c_94s16_2000_2000_4_2(resume)
03-Oct-2008 08:02:43 [] Restarting task hadam3h_c_94s16_2000_2000_4_2 using hadam3 version 601
03-Oct-2008 08:02:43 [Einstein@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3(resume)
03-Oct-2008 08:02:59 [Einstein@Home] Restarting task h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 using einstein_S5R4 version 604
03-Oct-2008 08:08:08 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:13:31 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:18:53 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:24:14 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:29:36 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:34:58 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:40:19 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:45:40 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:46:45 [] [checkpoint_debug] result hadam3h_c_94s16_2000_2000_4_2 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:50:59 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 08:56:16 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 09:01:30 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 09:06:40 [Einstein@Home] [checkpoint_debug] result h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 09:06:40 [PS3GRID] [cpu_sched] Starting DVH9626-GPUTEST3-1-10-acemd_0(resume)
03-Oct-2008 09:06:40 [PS3GRID] Restarting task DVH9626-GPUTEST3-1-10-acemd_0 using acemd version 645
03-Oct-2008 09:06:40 [QMC@HOME] [cpu_sched] Starting four_bench14a_s22-ecp2-QZ.7586_0(resume)
03-Oct-2008 09:06:40 [QMC@HOME] Restarting task four_bench14a_s22-ecp2-QZ.7586_0 using Amolqc-preRC1 version 501
03-Oct-2008 09:06:40 [Einstein@Home] [cpu_sched] Preempting h1_0538.40_S5R4__186_S5R4a_3 (left in memory)
03-Oct-2008 09:06:44 [QMC@HOME] [checkpoint_debug] result four_bench14a_s22-ecp2-QZ.7586_0 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 09:06:44 [PS3GRID] [cpu_sched] Preempting DVH9626-GPUTEST3-1-10-acemd_0 (left in memory)
03-Oct-2008 09:08:54 [QMC@HOME] [checkpoint_debug] result four_bench14a_s22-ecp2-QZ.7586_0 checkpointed
03-Oct-2008 09:53:55 [QMC@HOME] Computation for task four_bench14a_s22-ecp2-QZ.7586_0 finished
03-Oct-2008 09:53:55 [PS3GRID] [cpu_sched] Resuming DVH9626-GPUTEST3-1-10-acemd_0
03-Oct-2008 09:53:55 [PS3GRID] Resuming task DVH9626-GPUTEST3-1-10-acemd_0 using acemd version 645
03-Oct-2008 09:53:55 [] [cpu_sched] Starting hadam3h_c_94s21_2000_2000_4_2(resume)
03-Oct-2008 09:53:55 [] Restarting task hadam3h_c_94s21_2000_2000_4_2 using hadam3 version 601
03-Oct-2008 09:54:55 [PS3GRID] [cpu_sched] Preempting DVH9626-GPUTEST3-1-10-acemd_0 (left in memory)

CPDN is still running, EAH is preempted, QMC is started and PS3 is started and then... PS3 is stopped.

I´m running 6.3.10 with no additional settings. I never touched cc_config.xml

A restart of neither boinc nor the computer alters the behavior.

Profile Kokomiko
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Message 2721 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 9:30:40 UTC
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 9:37:46 UTC

Same here, had running 6 tasks on both Quad running PS3Grid. Had reboot both machines, same effect. Have killed the ncpus-entry in the cc_config.xml and now running 5 tasks on both machines.

Something changed in the code? Looks like PS3Grid is now running like DepSpid in the past (

Edit: First only my two 64 bit Vista PCs affected, after upload the calculaed WU on the PC of Cebion now also our 32 bit XP Quad affected.

Profile [AF>HFR>RR] Jim PROFIT
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Message 2722 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 9:37:40 UTC

Same behaviour on my computer.
And i saw that the CPU time on different computer have decrease.

Before this update, on my Server 2003-x64, the CPU time was on average 2400 seconds, and for one task this morning, i can see only 800 seconds! But an increase of the total running time from 49000 seconds to 53000 seconds.

I don't understand what happened, because there has been a server upgrade last night, as GDF said.


Profile KyleFL
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Message 2723 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 9:53:07 UTC

Ok -- my GPU WU is now finished:
12h instead of 9h.

After it finished the GPU-WU, it startet the next one -- running it alongside 2CPU WUs.
But it seems, that the GPU-WU is preempted for ~1minute after calculating one step. It trepeats infinity. Calculating -- preempted -- calculating -- and so on...

I´ve stopped the CPU-WU (Seti) tasks for now until we have sorted out the problem. After that the GPU-WU seems to be back on full crunching-speed.

Cu KyleFL

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Message 2729 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 11:17:41 UTC - in response to Message 2723.

In That case just set <ncpus> to cores-1 (so f.i. 3 for a quad core) that ensures that one core always is unused for the gpu tasks.

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Message 2730 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 12:17:48 UTC
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 12:37:20 UTC

GDF said that now it was a server setting, if the extra core gets dedicated to the GPU project or is free for other projects. So it seems like they changed the server setting but kept the client the same (6.45). It's a trade-off between loosing some speed on the GPUs under win and giving people a bit more CPU crunching power.

Edit: on my machine the GPU stopped after BOINC switched to the new behaviour. I rebooted (unrelated), increased resource share from 30% to 66% (quad core), set the debts back to 0 but still only 4 CPU tasks were running. Then I suspended the CPU project and finally BOINC started the GPU task again.

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Message 2738 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 12:59:49 UTC - in response to Message 2729.

In That case just set <ncpus> to cores-1 (so f.i. 3 for a quad core) that ensures that one core always is unused for the gpu tasks.

It's not working, the gpu stop calculating after few seconds, if I set 2 cores on a dualcore cpu, three wu are calculating but after few seconds, the GPU stop calculating

Please GDF, do something to stop that, the time of calculation increase a lot :(

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Message 2739 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 13:03:47 UTC

Could you repeat what I did (previous post) to make my GPU run again? Maybe it helps.

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[] Nowi
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Message 2740 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 13:07:04 UTC - in response to Message 2739.

Surely this will help, but the balancing with the resourceshare is blown away by this method.

I think there must be a solution from the "chefs". ;-)

Profile KyleFL
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Message 2741 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 13:11:19 UTC
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 13:25:37 UTC

Setting Boinc to use only "50% of Prozessors" (DualCore) seems to work.

Boinc still seems to be using both cores (one for GPU - one for CPU) and not putting both tasks on one core.

That should do the trick for now.
Update: I roughly calculated the crunching time and the GPU-WU seems to be on full force like it was before.

But the question is: What had happend to change the behavior of Boinc?

Cu KyleFL

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Message 2742 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 13:15:35 UTC - in response to Message 2739.

Could you repeat what I did (previous post) to make my GPU run again? Maybe it helps.


Thanks, it works fine with ncpu-1

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Message 2744 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 15:27:30 UTC - in response to Message 2742.

just encountered it myself! No changes suddenly 4 wus + grid running.

Changed to ncpus=3 worked

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Message 2746 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 16:32:30 UTC

I had too this morning 2 cpu + 1 GPU WUs running in Core 2 Duo and 4 cpu + 1 GPU in Quad core. But I have experienced a 20% download in my points per day, so I have put 50% and 75 % CPU use restriction respectively and now, as before, all is OK.

Profile Nightlord
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Message 2747 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 17:11:44 UTC

Back from work now, and after my early morning post in the other thread, I checked my boxes again.

They were running the same as this morning. So, I've just updated them all with a cc_config.xml file, setting ncpus-1 (ncpus=1 for dual core and ncpus=3 for quad) and have the same experience as other users: everything returns to normal.

Strange behaviour indeed??!

Profile KyleFL
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Message 2748 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 17:27:47 UTC - in response to Message 2747.

Back from work now, and after my early morning post in the other thread, I checked my boxes again.

They were running the same as this morning. So, I've just updated them all with a cc_config.xml file, setting ncpus-1 (ncpus=1 for dual core and ncpus=3 for quad) and have the same experience as other users: everything returns to normal.

Strange behaviour indeed??!

You don´t need to make this change through the cc_config.xml file. Just go into the settings and on the CPU-Tab:

On Multiprozessor Systems use only (50% on Core2Duo - 75% on Core2Quad - instead of the original 100%) of the prozessors.

That works the same way and is easier to change.

Cu KyleFL

Profile Kokomiko
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Message 2749 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 17:29:55 UTC

BOINC seems to be completely out of shape. After finish the last WU I had again running 5 tasks on my Quad, but all are non-GPU-tasks. I had to stop BOINC and restart it, then are 4 CPU-tasks and one GPU-task are running. Another team-mate has on XP 32 bit the problem, that without a cc_config.xml 6 tasks are running. Nothing helps.

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Message 2750 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 17:31:25 UTC - in response to Message 2748.

You don´t need to make this change through the cc_config.xml file. Just go into the settings and on the CPU-Tab:

But not if you have this entry in the cc_config.xml, then you have to chenge it or delete the file and restart BOINC.


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Message 2752 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 17:54:16 UTC - in response to Message 2750.

apparently something has changed during the last server update. The behavior is not normal. I have asked the developer about it, I could move back to previous server release, but I would like to hear from then first.


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Message 2755 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 18:16:25 UTC - in response to Message 2752.
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 18:16:39 UTC

Problem found and fixed. Now the behavior is as before: 1GPU+1CPU

When there will be no performance drop in using the 0 CPU, we will do the change in the policy.


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Message 2758 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 18:36:32 UTC
Last modified: 3 Oct 2008 | 18:36:40 UTC

Thank you GDF

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Message 2759 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 19:02:31 UTC - in response to Message 2755.

Problem found and fixed. Now the behavior is as before: 1GPU+1CPU

When there will be no performance drop in using the 0 CPU, we will do the change in the policy.


Thanks gdf

Just got a new task and it seems the behavior is back to normal (switched back to use 100% CPU Cores and 1xGPU + 1xCPU Tasks are running)

We know to appreciate your work and your quick finding & fixing the problem.

Cu KyleFL

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Message 2760 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 19:04:57 UTC

This should be configurable by the user. Someone like to use all cores for other projects and someone not.

A GTX280 needs for one WU

with ncpu-entry 8h 24m, thats 384,77 Credits/h.
without ncpu-entry 10h 28m, thats 308,99 Credits/h.

The difference is here 75,78 cr/h. The additional usable core with ncpus=5 can't reach such a amount of credits in one hour, also not on PrimeGrid. There I get 53,23 cr/h while crunching PSP Sieve.

So for a GTX280 a ncpu-entry cores+1 is not advisable.

That takes not the same effect on a 8800GT or smaller graphic card.

You have to calculate for your own.

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Message 2761 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 20:01:23 UTC

....... Still have the issue - Quad still wants to run 5 processes, and the PS3Grid process runs veeeerrrrryyyyyy slowly - how can this be fixed?

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Message 2762 - Posted: 3 Oct 2008 | 20:16:33 UTC - in response to Message 2761.

....... Still have the issue - Quad still wants to run 5 processes, and the PS3Grid process runs veeeerrrrryyyyyy slowly - how can this be fixed?

It may be look very slowly, but it's only showing the CPU using time and not the real time. The system should be run in normal state after the next connect to the server (if you don't have created a cc_config.xml with a ncpus-entry in the BOINC-data directory).

The new server software has a flag for GPU using software to add a non existent core for crunching with all CPU-cores and a additional virtual core for the GPU. This flag is switsched by GDF, so your client should work as normal after the next connect.


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Message 2783 - Posted: 4 Oct 2008 | 5:54:22 UTC - in response to Message 2762.

It may be look very slowly, but it's only showing the CPU using time and not the real time. The system should be run in normal state after the next connect to the server (if you don't have created a cc_config.xml with a ncpus-entry in the BOINC-data directory).

The new server software has a flag for GPU using software to add a non existent core for crunching with all CPU-cores and a additional virtual core for the GPU. This flag is switsched by GDF, so your client should work as normal after the next connect.

Thanks Kokomiko - I can see from today's WU that the step time has moved from 42ms to 70ms - so something has slowed my GTX260. Unfortunately, the project is mostly offline at the moment... so I'll have to wait for the cure!

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Message 2785 - Posted: 4 Oct 2008 | 6:00:22 UTC


You can do a workaround in your BOINC settings:

Just tell your BOINC, that (on Multiprozessor Systems use only xx Cores)

On a Quad: 75%
On a Duo: 50%

That should get you back to normal as long as the "wrong" server flag is active.
After getting the next new work, stop the cpu taks, take the setting back to 100% and restart the CPU Task.

That did the trick for me.

Cu KyleFL

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Message 2786 - Posted: 4 Oct 2008 | 7:08:23 UTC - in response to Message 2785.
Last modified: 4 Oct 2008 | 7:08:46 UTC


You can do a workaround in your BOINC settings:

Just tell your BOINC, that (on Multiprozessor Systems use only xx Cores)

On a Quad: 75%
On a Duo: 50%

That should get you back to normal as long as the "wrong" server flag is active.
After getting the next new work, stop the cpu taks, take the setting back to 100% and restart the CPU Task.

That did the trick for me.

Cu KyleFL

Done & working - thanks!

Profile Venturini Dario[VENETO]
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Message 2797 - Posted: 4 Oct 2008 | 18:42:16 UTC

I can't manage to make the cc_config.xml trick work anymore... any other with the same issue?

Profile Kokomiko
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Message 2798 - Posted: 4 Oct 2008 | 18:47:47 UTC - in response to Message 2797.

I can't manage to make the cc_config.xml trick work anymore... any other with the same issue?

What have you tried? Cores +1 or -1? What's your goal? Running one virtual core more or reserve one core for feeding the GPU with max speed?

Profile Venturini Dario[VENETO]
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Message 2801 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 8:48:18 UTC - in response to Message 2798.

I have a dual core and I tried Ncpus 1, 2 and 3 (-1, 0, +1) but none of the options worked.

I want to run two "normal" tasks + the GPUGrid one.

The fact is that, whatever I wrote in the cc_config file, it just ran normal tasks, with the GPUGrid one "waiting for elaboration".

Without the cc_config file, GPUGrid works but it reserves a core for itself (1 normal task + the GPUGrid one).

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Message 2802 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 9:22:09 UTC - in response to Message 2801.

I have a dual core and I tried Ncpus 1, 2 and 3 (-1, 0, +1) but none of the options worked.

I want to run two "normal" tasks + the GPUGrid one.

The fact is that, whatever I wrote in the cc_config file, it just ran normal tasks, with the GPUGrid one "waiting for elaboration".

Without the cc_config file, GPUGrid works but it reserves a core for itself (1 normal task + the GPUGrid one).

You´ll get ~30% longer computing time on the GPU-WU if you run a CPU-WU on the Core that the GPU-WU is using.
Is it possible that you did put the cc_config file in the wrong directory?
Or that you didn´t restart your Boinc after making your changes?

Cu KyleFL

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Message 2803 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 9:41:05 UTC
Last modified: 5 Oct 2008 | 9:42:27 UTC

He is running Linux, there the slowdown is almost not measurable, at least on my machines there seems to be no impact to the "time per step" value when I set ncpus+1

Plus I added the following entry to roots crontab to increase the priority of the acemd process automatically:

* * * * * renice 5 `ps -ef | grep acemd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'`

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Message 2804 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 9:44:16 UTC

So for a GTX280 a ncpu-entry cores+1 is not advisable.

That takes not the same effect on a 8800GT or smaller graphic card.

You have to calculate for your own.

I take it from reading this I can run the ncpu-entry cores+1 if I have a 8800GT because it doesn't need a CPU Core reserved for it ... ???

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Message 2805 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 10:08:26 UTC - in response to Message 2804.

So for a GTX280 a ncpu-entry cores+1 is not advisable.

That takes not the same effect on a 8800GT or smaller graphic card.

You have to calculate for your own.

I take it from reading this I can run the ncpu-entry cores+1 if I have a 8800GT because it doesn't need a CPU Core reserved for it ... ???

No, it´s just math:

A 8800GT needs for one WU (just a rough estimaion of me)

with ncpu-entry ~16h , thats ~200 Credits/h.
without ncpu-entry ~20h thats ~160 Credits/h.

The difference here would be ~40cr/h as opposed to the 75,78 cr/h difference if a GTX280 would be involved. The additional usable core with ncpus=5 could propably reach such a amount of credits in one hour, for example on PrimeGrid. There You could get ~50 cr/h while crunching PSP Sieve.
So on a 8800GT the NCPU+1 "could" make sense.

But as already said -- you´d have to do the math yourself for your card, for you´re CPU (propably is your CPU slower and can´t get 50cr/h - or your GPU takes a greater hit on performance).

Cu KyleFL

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Message 2806 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 10:13:03 UTC - in response to Message 2803.

He is running Linux, there the slowdown is almost not measurable, at least on my machines there seems to be no impact to the "time per step" value when I set ncpus+1

Plus I added the following entry to roots crontab to increase the priority of the acemd process automatically:

* * * * * renice 5 `ps -ef | grep acemd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'`

Oh, sorry -- I didn´t get it from his post, that he was running on linux. That - of course - would be a different story.

On Windows I would wait a few additional weeks, until the problem with the scheduler is sorted out and the NCPU+1 can be run without a penatly.
Maybe it´s possible to let Boinc run the GPU-WU with a higher prozess priority than the CPU WUs. That way the GPU-WU always would get CPU time and the CPU-WU would only take the idle-cycles left...

Cu KyleFL

Profile Venturini Dario[VENETO]
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Message 2817 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 22:34:16 UTC - in response to Message 2802.

I have a dual core and I tried Ncpus 1, 2 and 3 (-1, 0, +1) but none of the options worked.

I want to run two "normal" tasks + the GPUGrid one.

The fact is that, whatever I wrote in the cc_config file, it just ran normal tasks, with the GPUGrid one "waiting for elaboration".

Without the cc_config file, GPUGrid works but it reserves a core for itself (1 normal task + the GPUGrid one).

You´ll get ~30% longer computing time on the GPU-WU if you run a CPU-WU on the Core that the GPU-WU is using.
Is it possible that you did put the cc_config file in the wrong directory?
Or that you didn´t restart your Boinc after making your changes?

Cu KyleFL

As someone suggested I'm running Linux.

It's not possible that I put the file in the wrong directory because it was there before the server change and it made the trick work. After the server change *puff* it didn't work anymore.

And I'm sure that I restarted BOINC *every* time so that's not the issue.

I really have no idea of what happened but I know that running 1 normal WU and 1 GPUGrid WU pisses me off because it wastes 95% of one of my cores

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Message 2818 - Posted: 5 Oct 2008 | 23:01:24 UTC - in response to Message 2806.

On Windows I would wait a few additional weeks, until the problem with the scheduler is sorted out and the NCPU+1 can be run without a penatly.
Maybe it´s possible to let Boinc run the GPU-WU with a higher prozess priority than the CPU WUs. That way the GPU-WU always would get CPU time and the CPU-WU would only take the idle-cycles left...

Cu KyleFL

Tried that with manual assignment of priority with windows-scheduler. Didn´t work, the problem lies elsewhere.

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 2821 - Posted: 6 Oct 2008 | 11:58:19 UTC

I've suddenly got work hanging. Since PS3GRID switched to allowing me to run 2 CPU + 1CPU/GPU on 6.3.10 it has not been running all that well. not using ncpus+1, just running normal. I did upgrade to 178.13 about same time.

Yesterday I found the GPU task had been hung, the GPU was cold and had been for 15 hours. I think I ended up resetting computer. It ran from about 14% to 50% (in high priority). Now it is stuck again, this morning. was running when I went to sleep last night.

From what I can see in the log, the 2 CPUs are still running tasks for another project, have finished some (uploaded) and running different tasks.

If I suspend the hung task, another will not start.

I suspend all work. It looked like it resumed (logged), the % went from 52.388 to 53.400 but the GPU temp is still cold.

I suspended, quit boinc and restarted. This started another GPU task which after a few seconds had a computational error. That too was now going to be late and I was going to abort anyway.

I'm just going to abort this hung one because it is hanging, due in 4 hours with 8 hours runtime left and has wasted over 29 hours of time.

I hope I get some new tasks and this does not repeat, I will check back when I get home from work.

Except now I only have 1 CPU + 1 CPU/GPU running, 2 total, not 3.

Profile Krunchin-Keith [USA]
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Message 2822 - Posted: 6 Oct 2008 | 15:48:57 UTC

Addition to last post.

The work unit is

I see someone else already had a go at it and it failed for them too.

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : 6.3.10-runs 2CPU+1GPU on a CoreDuo since yesterday
